Monday, January 7, 2013

Holy Hollister, Boobmom!

I feel like I usually take breastfeeding topics pretty seriously, but I had to laugh when I read this online article:

The first thing I wondered as I read it is why are these ladies trying to start trouble?  I can't find anywhere in the article where they themselves had ever previously been subject to harassment or discrimination with regard to breastfeeding, and my understanding is that the original issue with Hollister took place in Texas... these ladies had a nurse-in at a Hollister store in Delaware. 

I understand their desire to make a point.  I believe in breastfeeding when possible and when desired (some moms just don't want to breastfeed--never mind the ones who can't--and that is perfectly fine if you ask me!), and I especially believe in the right to breastfeed where and when a person desires to do so.  If I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't have a blog about it.  But I don't understand the need to stage an intervention where no problem has yet occurred.  It's like taking Valtrex because you heard the statistic that 70% of Americans have oral herpes... yet you've never suffered from the virus yourself.  Ok, maybe not the best example, but my point is that it's not fair to walk around trying to incriminate a person or business. 

The lack of facts or details in this article leads me to believe that this whole thing was really a non-issue.  For example, I doubt that Hollister has their own personal security guards, so the ones who visited the Nurse-In Narcs were likely those of the mall itself.  And if my deduction is true, then why are they dragging Hollister's name through the mud?  Wouldn't it be Concord Mall that they really have the problem with? 

So, ladies, feed on!  In the future, maybe you could consider exercising your right to free speech, rather than whipping out your boob in public just to get a rise out of people.  Writing a heart-felt letter is a good practice, and writing a blog is actually pretty fun!  And just to make sure I'm making myself clear:  I'm not saying not to whip your boob out, just check your intentions before you do it.  ;)

Signing off.


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